Tag: freedom

  • is this the end of the internet?

    Will they shut down the Internet? Amazing but could this really be true, will they try to dismantle allegedly the internet, really that is the most important thing they can be doing up in Washington, really, we have people sleeping under bridges out here and they want to do this? Are we facing the end…

  • Taxes going up up up?

    Will the Taxes go up? Will they go up and up and up? Folks it is getting crazy out there, with the liberals out trying to tell everyone what they can and cannot do on their own land, in their own homes, and even (unbelievable but true) what you can or cannot do in your…

  • DOJ to appeal Unconstitutional health care issue

    If the Supreme court rules that this can be done, then all hope for America will end. Because, eventually they will decide that certain Americans with certain illnesses, need to be put to death, it is for the best, and it would be for the best for the health care system. The shocking idea of…

  • The end of liberty

    Is this the end of what we consider freedom? This is the result of what will happen if Washington has its way, you will not be free to do anything they will tell you when to eat, and what to eat. They will tell you when to sleep and how long to sleep. They will…

  • Is rockefeller right?

    Should we all just shut up, show we all just go away if someone decides that we dont matter anymore. Is Rockie right, should the people be silenced if rich and powerful people do not like them? Should they eat cake? Should we censor everything and just remove the things that we do not like…

  • Censorship Bill Passed?

    The end of freedom, Is this the death of the Internet? Laws that make no sense, special interests in glossy detail. Will this one day be law? Will this be the day the Internet Died? Have they passed a bill that could be used to censor the internet, or even be abused in favor of…

  • Time magazine American-phobic?

    Do you like liberals and biased media? Why do they think we are not smart enough to figure out how twisted liberals really are? Do you like being called names? Do you buy this magazine, a publication that openly insults you to your face? Would you? Foolish, Foolish, Foolish when will they ever learn… This…

  • NPR defund?

    Should NPR be De-funded of Tax Dollars, many are saying that yes, this should be done and soon because NPR appears to mostly and allegedly only represent one point of view and that is the alleged, liberal left point of view, this is scary and it could be evil, one thing we know for sure,…

  • Burning the Koran?

    Update, the burning of the Koran has been temporarily delayed, as the Pastor schedules talks that may help in fostering religious tolerance of course this will not stop them from burning the American flag… But perhaps it is a step in the right direction. You, know when you think about respect, this life is filled…

  • Dictator in the USA?

    What is going to happen to America? Will we loose our freedom? Are we faced with having a dictator in office? Will we become a third world country… Are will looking at a government dictator? This might sound crazy, but you have to ask because anytime, you see such a disparity in what the people…