Tag: Drivers License

  • Media interferrance in 2012 election?

       So if you believe the media Obama has already won…   You Lie… Why the Media is getting away with Treason? Has the media gone out of its way to trouble and or interfere with the election cycle as a pundit, an opinionated slobbering malcontent that continually seeks to present one view while attempting…

  • Ninth Circuit

    Well this just in folks, imagine an attorney arguing that how a forign nation feels about the constitution makes the constitution invalid? This apparently is one of the reasons why when California talks about how they need money because they are so messed up most people just are not very interested in hearing about it.…

  • Virginia AG rules Police can do thier jobs.

    Ok, so now you have it, the police are able to do their jobs, are you surprised, because if it were not true this country would degrade into evil and anarchy. Which demands an explanation from the white house as to why they are engaging in this unreasonable activity trying to work against the American…