Media interferrance in 2012 election?

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 So if you believe the media Obama

has already won…


You Lie…

Why the Media is getting away with Treason?

Has the media gone out of its way to trouble and or interfere with the election cycle as a pundit, an opinionated slobbering malcontent that continually seeks to present one view while attempting to silence anyone that disagrees with them?

It would appear that this is what many in the past feared about the media, from brain washing to bribery its like a bad western movie where the actors all speak with bad dialog, but in this case its likely true.

When the news ceases to be the news and becomes something else that is something that you should seriously consider.

The single largest problem facing Americans is that we have a biased media that is distorting the news in favor of one point of view.

This has been tried over and over again, this were all alike thing is nonsense, we are not all alike we are all different, sure some of us like the same food, perhaps we might even like the same sports, read the same books, but never think that were alike to the point of lunacy.

What is this thing that we all see but often refuse to acknowledge?   Socialism, does not work, period, sure it might look good on paper, but every time its been tried it has failed, why is that?  The human condition, that’s it, were human, that means corruption, when corruption enters the idealistic space of socialism, that is when socialism fails.

It would be nice if everyone had a car to drive, if everyone had a drivers license, if everyone had stock to trade, if everyone had something to call their own, if only everyone were the same right?  But that is not right, there will always be those in our society that will never be able to have or own anything because they value the moment over the future.

Its just the way it is, we cannot control them or make them in to new human beings, that magically learn how to manage assets, they will trade it off for the next thing to come out, just as they did when trading glass bobbles, and worthless trinkets, men were deceived thinking that what they were receiving was of worth, later finding out they had been tricked.

You see, this always ends the same way, a group (usually a small group) of people get together and try to fix everything that’s wrong with the world, they say “Cant we all just get along” We know how that ends, it ends like it does every time, like it did in benghazi when you meet an animal on the trail in the forest, it is just you and the animal, if you show weakness, that animal will attack and you will not survive, when it comes to being a pacifist, there is no strength in showing weakness.

Vote, tomorrow, because we know what works for America and this is not it.

The truth is that it is not possible to create the perfect socialist society because it works on a lie.

The lie is that there is even one perfect human that might somehow be able to run the world, that is the most serious problem.

As well you would need thousands of other perfect human beings, to also be free from the temptation of corruption.

We all know this is just not possible if it were we would would not need the law or laws, yet we do, Vote because, when men attempt to do the impossible it always falls on the shoulders of we the people.

Vote because it is time to go with the road you know instead of a fantasy.