Ok, so now you have it, the police are able to do their jobs, are you surprised, because if it were not true this country would degrade into evil and anarchy.
Which demands an explanation from the white house as to why they are engaging in this unreasonable activity trying to work against the American people, it is not only wrong but it allegedly could be even criminal, when a man Swears an oath of office and then later fails to complete the the oath they swore.
This is great new in the war on liberals, because it is not right what they have been trying to do and in fact allegedly it might even be treason?
Perhaps not that serious, but it really could be because it is really bad what has been going on.
In a Quote of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli
“it is my opinion that Virginia law enforcement officers, including conservations officers may, like Arizona police officers, inquire into the immigration status of persons stopped or arrested,”
Yes, in fact, if you are a citizen you are asked for identification in the form of a drivers license and paperwork to prove you have insurance.
This is what anyone could and would expect.
It is really something to see that we have a white house that is willing to sacrifice the safety of Americans, that makes me want to puke.
When it comes time to vote then you have to make the right decision, vote them out.
Vote them out.
Vote them out.
Vote them out.
If you are sick and tired of all the lies, then vote them out.