Tag: doubt
Is Casee innocent or guilty or just stupid?
Can Casee get a fair trial in Flordia Is the legal System Broken? When the people cannot prove a case should they not work for proper punishment? Most people think that Casee Anthony is Guilty, some think that she should be beaten and put to death. Still others suggest that she should be given mental…
judge jenny?
Should people be making comments about an ongoing murder case where the opinion of the public could be influenced? Should fox news be doing this? They talk about reading body language, and getting all these personal opinions from these talking heads that frankly are obnoxious at best and at worse they are just play…
This is why Washington is in trouble
If you have any doubt you should think again, the democrats had every opportunity to do the right thing but they failed to act. They had every change to make it work, but the things they did just did not work. Why do they tell lies and why do people believe those lies? In so…
Repeal of health care
I might be dead soon, mostly because I personally seen the level of health care reduced to its lowest level in years, simply because the insurance companies (allegedly) are cutting back on health insurance benefits and they are actually questioning doctors decisions and orders, so do you think that it is better or worse? Will…
Sanity Rally draws only a few people
Well there you have it, the comedy ends in a laugh for Glenn Beck because they have now had two different counter rallies and both combined did not draw near the people that Glenn Beck did, so let there be no doubt, Glenn Beck has won the war of the rallies, with an estimated 450…
Memorial day
This is a day that is one of the most important days of the year, it is without doubt, this way because of the many who have given all they had to defend our way of life, our freedom and yes even the freedom of our children from those that would do us harm, men…