Memorial day

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This is a day that is one of the most important days of the year, it is without doubt, this way because of the many

who have given all they had to defend our way of life, our freedom and yes even the freedom of our children from those
that would do us harm, men and women who gave their lives, so that we can have the freedom we enjoy…

Without them there would be no America…

So many have gone before us that we find ourselves standing on the shoulders of very tall men…

We find that we owe a debt to these men and women, Americans really and truly, all of them were that and so much more…

This year it seems even more so to me as my father who was a hero and still is in my heart, passed away just a short time ago it seems.

He served his country faithfully, in Vietnam, for two tours, it seemed much longer to me and my mother…

I must say that I am proud that my father served his country and on this day among the many that we all honor, I say that without men

like my father, and so many more, we would not have the freedom we have today…

If you like your freedom thank a veteran today, if you like the ability to voice your opinion today, thank a veteran, if you find that you are thankful for having a place to live and food to eat,

thank a veteran because without them, the

In memory of Senior Master Sargent, Euegene Franklin my father was and is a hero on this and every day…

We have so much to be thankful for in our freedoms and our America.


