Tag: American People
Keystone passes Senate..
Finally the Keystone Pipeline project which will create thousands of Good paying jobs for Americans that are looking for those jobs has been passed. This is something that the 1 percent did not want to happen. What will President Obama do? Will he side with the middle class as he says that he wants to…
Censor the Internet…
Here they go again… You would think that perhaps they had received the message the American people have been sending for the last 6 years, indeed before that no one even thought about the issue of censorship online. But now they do… What is wrong with Washington? Send them the message again…
Go along to get along?
Is it time that Washington DC wakes up and begins to understand that the American People are sick and tired of a dictatorial relationship with the Capitol? Why do you suppose that the democrats want to make it appear as if there is no choice but to play their way?
Washington to American People
Screw You… Yes you heard right, Washington does not care what you want… Washington Does not care that everything is out of control. They do not care because they have become dependent upon all the tax dollars that come in day after day after day and they are not going to give it up…
Amazing Election results
The truth about this election will likely not be revealed until much later in this week, not because the media are churning up the election results they want to see either. Earlier today we noticed something really strange. Political Pundits Pontificating on the state of the election. They were actually making statements like “Too Close…
Affordable Care Act or Obama Care?
You may be somewhat confused by the Media and its use of these two terms, one is law the other is not the law. You would think that Obama care were the correct and legal version of the bill that congress passed by listening to the media. The truth is nothing could be further from…
Cave in SOH gives up
Today we heard something that will be heard yet again, the leader of the republican party giving up. We have seen him cry. We have seen him Curse. We have seen just about everything but a successful bid to lead the house in anything substantial. The only thing we have not seen him do is…
Harry Reid should retire… ?
Should Harry Reid continue to push this my way or the highway option? We need a plan that can work, half this nation is for fixing the problems with Obama Care, and less are for going all in. That means that about 76 percent are for fixing the problems, yet Harry Reid feels like he…
Republician or Democrat or perhaps
Something new… When you think about how crazy things are getting lately you sort of thing you know what the democrats are just ignoring everyone or outright lying about everything. The Republicans are the same way, its a corrupt mess. The independents, just another variant of the same worm that lives deep in the heart…
Gun Control Ban…
The CDC has come out with a report that suggests that half of America is Mentally ill? Wow, that is some kind of scientific poll right? The very idea that the CDC (which by the way is a little off balance here on this news report,) Could be so foolish as to publish such a…