School Shooting’s

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Marysville WA…

He Seemed like a normal Kid, that is what we hear over and over again and until perhaps and allegedly a manageable situation was not handled correctly he may have had the chance to stay a normal kid.

Here is a headline, (allegedly and perhaps obviously) the press continues to use these as a means to push an agenda.





So why do the media focus on their agenda when focusing on stopping this violence would be so much better?

When you read what the Media talks about you have to wonder just whose side they are actually on…

Since Columbine we are reminded that terrible things have and continue to happen regardless of how many programs are put into effect.

We are not doing enough…

There have been reductions in the numbers of fatalities but that is not enough.

This most recent problem where a popular student took the lives of his fellow students and forever created a scar on hundreds of other students.

We react quickly once the damage has been done.

Why can’t we spot these problems before they happen?

While we may not have all the details yet and some details we may never receive we can look at several things that may have played a part in this situation going from manageable to unmanageable.

We have reports that he was suspended…

Could that have made a difference…

What IF that suspension were handled better…

It is entirely possible that had the suspension been handled in a different way, (We know for a fact that young adults view exclusion from sports as a big event, perhaps even the feeling that the world as this child knows it is about to end)

That is a big problem, this zero tolerance situation where we just sternly suspend and (likely threaten) a student instead of managing it differently…

It is easy to second guess after the fact, however we know that IF only they had managed it in a different way,

“Say your not off the team and your not going to be suspended but we do want you to see a counselor, so you can deal with this anger”

(Then you get a professional involved, evaluate the risk and then you move in a different direction, stop with the ways of the past, because they do not work and we know it)

If you don’t know, what were doing is not working you need to look at the situation from a different angle.

There is always more than one way to manage a problem and so far the one thing that is entirely clear is that this situation was not handled correctly,  Not at all correctly.

These are kids and were not paying attention, in many ways this is entirely the fault of the school system and those that run it.

(Sure there is enough blame to go around, from the gun issue to parenting,) but this started at school, he got into (allegedly a fight) at school, he was suspended at school…

We simply have to stop trying to push an agenda that the media prefer to push and start focusing on the kids.

Anything less is criminal and the media are right in the middle of this situation as they always are, next will come the calls for gun control.

Gun Control is not the answer the real answer is managing these children and identifying risk…

That is the real news story and one that you will not see on the news tonight…