Media on Trial Malice and Intent to destroy

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There are some serious problems
in our society.

Media Guilty of Malice…

What would happen if the media were put on trial for everything that they have done over the last 50 years to destroy western civilization.

When you begin to examine what has happened over the last 50 years of manipulation of facts, the distortion of the truth and inciting events that have led to Billions of dollars in damages.

What if the Media were put on trial for Murder. . .

How many people have died because of what the Modern Day Media have Conspired to create chaos.

What if for one time, the Media had to pay for the things that they do and the tragedy they create in the name of news.

The thing that is really distressing is that it appears that the News has nothing to do with what the Media are up to.

Media Bias the Mission of Omission.

IT is really getting really bad folks.

Have the media created riots?

Have people died because of riots started by media bias and lies.

When people see a story on TV and it is a lie but those people watching TV believe  the lies the media tell.

When those people begin to riot and burn homes and stores and some people actually die.

Should the media be responsible for that issue.

Lies, if you yell fire in a crowded theater and people are trampled to death who is responsible?

The Media?