What was Karl really wrong about that candidate well apparently in a news story over at politicsdaily.com there is a suggestion that witch craft is involved, now we dont really know and the thing that Karl needs to understand here is that we dont really care either.
This thing between him and O’donnell is personal, it is a personality problem, I think allegedly that this is probably why Karl is no longer active in the political world, sure he is a commentator but it is not the same as it once was, he does not like to be wrong.
You see this with very strong minded people and very intelligent people too.
They get this idea that they are never wrong because of they are too smart to be wrong about anything, but in this case Karl is allegedly wrong and needs to make amends before this destroys his reputation.
I have a really tough time taking him seriously when we start bringing up witch craft it is just not savory and before this I thought it was beyond him.
Apparently I was wrong, what a strange situation to find yourself in and you know what else, anyone that has ever touched a ouija board, is probably just as bad.
I dont care how badly Karl tries to smear this candidate what I do care about is why Karl is so invested in this course of action, this is his white whale.