Perhaps you may have heard about the recent news story about an [ALLEGED] shortage of eggs which caused allegedly the cost of eggs to rise dramatically.
There was a shortage of eggs in some small parts of the US but this did not have any effect on the rest of the nation, however the cost of eggs went up just about everywhere all at the same time.
This is not the Free Enterprise System…
Just so you know this is a type of socialism, its not a particularly good one either because it has failed everywhere over the years and were not just talking about a few years either were talking about a lot of years and a lot of different places.
Socialism has failed over and over again because of one simple thing…
People are Human…
Corruption follows the human condition and that is why socialism never works.
Just look at what is happening in Greece right now.
That is what you get when you play with socialism.
The idea of a nationwide price for eggs is right out of the socialism play book.
Because we operate on the free enterprise system which means if there is a shortage of eggs in California it does not effect us here or you where you live, unless you happen to live in California.
However recently a terrible thing happened and that terrible thing was that the cost of eggs went up everywhere all because of a few places where eggs were actually not as readily available.
People just stopped buying eggs and since eggs have a limited shelf life grocers began to quickly understand that they would find themselves with a useless product.
Just have a look at just about any retail location and you will see plenty of eggs.
Lots and lots of eggs.
Because there is no shortage in your area, so just do without until all those eggs sitting in the grocery story have to be thrown out.
Then perhaps those who seek to create a socialistic enterprise system that is failing in Europe right now might understand that socialism will not work in America, not because it has not been tried but because it will never work anywhere it is tried.