Category: Biased CNN

  • The Naked Press

    We all should know that anyone who continues to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is insane. Are the press and the media really expecting anyone to trust anything they say? in·sane adjective in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally…

  • Mike Pence

    You may not have seen much of the truth when watching the lap dog media. Mike Pence is a great speaker. Who cares about what will happen next? We are interested in fixing the broken system and you know what else that includes ? The broken Press… The current system of reporting the news is…

  • Press Becoming Desperate

    Despite beating the Trump Drum, which is mostly much ado about Nothing… The Press and the Media are watching as their candidate is loosing this election. No matter what they do it keeps coming out negative for the democrats. They keep on pushing non issues that people neither believe nor trust and it is because…

  • Undeniable Political Interloper

    The Media have been making hay recently about a few comments that Donald Trump made about perhaps limiting the freedom of the press to engage in destructive politics. This is a good question and one that should be debated. The Media and the Press might object and then point to the constitution however those that…

  • FEC proposes Banning Fox News?

    Big news and you know what else this might be the beginning of official censorship. FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban Fox. WSJ political coverage source included. What does this mean for the greatly dishonest media?

  • brainwashing media

    According to the media Donald Trump is finished he has finally done the one thing that no one will ever want to vote for him… Oh, yes after saying the exact same thing over and over again for more than a year the media are ready to get started… They are ready to say now…

  • Hillarys America ?

    Hillarys America ?

    Truth or Fiction you decide… What you may not know about the real history you were never taught in school.

  • Hillary for President?

    There are some serious issues that many believe are difficult if not impossible for the former 1st lady to overcome and while it would be nice to have a woman president at some point there will likely be one, this one does not appear to have the ability to govern. Additionally it also sort of…

  • Over correction…

    There is a tendency to over react at times, its a difficult thing to manage but its what human nature usually dictates. The media have been busy attempting to stir up a ratings worthy event. They waited to see if the people would riot, they secretly hoped that would happen because they get paid to…

  • according to the media

    You hear the media using loaded words, you know like this example. “Considering the Challenges the Republicans face, is it wise to have so many candidates?” That is Bias, Its not reporting…