Bad reporting over Gifford shooting?

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First they reported that the Arizona representative, had died, then they reported she was alive then they reported that she had died, later they reversed again and apologized for being stupid.

Then they falsely reported that that others had died, then they reported the opposite of that report.

  • They falsely reported that the suspect was a veteran.
  • They falsely reported that the suspect was previously in the military.
  • They falsely reported that the suspect had been in Afghanistan in the military.
  • They falsely reported that he had some association with the tea party.
  • They falsely reported other associations with the health care laws.
  • They falsely reported that he held some grudge with immigration laws.
    The truth is that the suspect was never in the Military.
    The truth is that the suspect was never in Afghanistan.
    The truth is that he had no health care issues, other than mental issues.
    The truth is that he is a sick boy who should have been in a mental facility.

The truth is that allegedly he is mentally ill just as the man who shot John Lennon was mentally ill.

The truth is that is no reason for what happened, no political reason at all.

The blame here is solely, to be placed upon the person who did this not any party not any political party.

The truth will come out, sadly and apparently, the media will not be the pathway to that truth.

The alleged truth is that on his alleged, You tube channel, he related that some of his favorite books were socialist in nature and even fascism as well as other social misfit ideological books commonly subscribed to by far far left zealots, so if the truth is what you want then have a close look at what this guy really is and that is a sick mentally individual.

This is a tragedy that could have been prevented had there been security at the event.

That is the sad truth.



