Apparently a county judge has decided that she has the authority to DICTATE, to the entire voting public of Wisconsin that she has the right to tell the state elected legislature, how to conduct business on behalf of the people, it is disturbing to see this kind of thing simply because if it is allow to continue we could see this happening all over the US.
This brings up a good question, considering the separation of Powers, which is well defined and cannot be questioned, legally this judge could be found in violation of her oath of office, as well she could face disbarment, and criminal charges, if it is discovered after an investigation that this judge has received any contributions and or other funds that could be viewed as improper and unethical.
Not to mention that the state is the authority in question not the country, which means that this lawsuit is also improper, the very idea that a country judge has the authority to subvert the constitution of the state of Wisconsin is just unbelievable.
What is even more interesting is to see if the elected governor will take any action to stop this miss carriage of justice or if he will just cave in and cow-tow, to the whims of a country judge who has no authority over the state of Wisconsin.
It seems to me that an writ should be issued to bar this judge pending a full investigation of her “activities”
What will happen, will the state bow to the liberal judge, who has no authority over the state?
Will the Attorney General order an investigation of this issue with regard to this judges authority to issues any orders effecting the state and the business of the people.
Should this judge be disbarred?