There is a little known secret about how to understand what the media are saying on a daily basis.
Now this is going to be previewed as somewhat disingenuous.
But hey were just that way around here, so here is the quick and dirty secret that the media wish you were too dumb to figure out.
Its simple really just take the opposite opinion of what ever you hear and your 90 percent likely to have the truth.
Does that sound sarcastic?
Probably, but still on a regular basis you can take what ever the main stream media are spewing and the opposite of that is the real truth.
Yes, its just that simple and admittedly there are exceptions.
However it is an alarming fact that we just are not getting much of the truth from the media and that is something that is just unacceptable.
The main reason that its not acceptable behavior is that it assumes that everyone watching that Television show is just too stupid to realize that they are being lied to every single day.
Which is understandable except that there is just one little thing
that they (The Media) forget.ITs called the Internet and even older folks are learning how to access google.
They can read more than just the very narrow viewpoint presented by the media.
They can understand much more than the generation of the 1950s.
What is really insulting is that the media seem to think that they are the only ones that can read.
Is that offensive?