The Media’s Obsession for drama

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Is the Media becoming an obsessed and allegedly sick member of your family?

In many ways, the idea that the media is becoming a dysfunctional mirror reality may be more true than you might want to believe.

You watch the constant bombardment of Television commercials on Cable, Satellite, and Broadcast Television stations with themes ranging from drug use to prolific risky behaviors presented as a drama. It boggles the imagination that such social upheavals could become a part of what Americans consume daily as part of their intellectual diet.

If the media were a human with human thoughts they would be Psychotic and in need of serious professional treatment.

Considering this previous statement, what does that say for the public who consume such garbage served up by the media.

Is the media programming our children and young adults to become mass murderers?

When you look at the statement above, most of us would recoil in revulsion, however, for the most part, many of the programs we see on Television are in fact allegedly contributing to the recent problems we have seen with violence and not just gun related violence.

Did you know that allegedly, violence, with just about anything close at hand from rocks to sticks, has allegedly increased over the past year?

Could it be true?

Could the media be contributing to the problems we face as a society?

The answer is allegedly YES…

In many ways, programs that feature, Criminals that engage in kidnapping, Abuse, Rape and a dizzying array of criminal activities, including serial killing and mass murder, just to name a few, these are shows that are on your TV every single day, watched by millions and millions of people.

Is it any wonder, that people are going insane watching this kind of garbage on TV?

Remember the old saying you are what you eat, what if you are also what you watch?

Scary right, well for many people that are borderline on the edge of that fine line between being mentally ill and taking a horrible path that could lead to disaster.

We see it in the news every day, yet, for the most part, it is not presented in a manner that adults should be consuming content, it is presented in a manner that is allegedly manic and depressive, allegedly one might even say that the tone of the production is one of participation, now that folks is sick and disturbing.

So what ever you do, when you watch TV, be careful of what is playing out right in front of you, it could be creating the next, mass murderer and you might be allowing it to come right into your home.