Tag: Trillions

  • McCain Betrayed us?

    Did John McCain end up doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, and did the media have everything to do with why we are in this mess now?   John McCain, has been up in the Senate allegedly for far too long and he does not represent the values that America was born with,…

  • media bias again?

    Can anyone beat the liberal media, and will Americans pay the price for evil men who have no conscious? Be very aware, we could be facing the second great depression very soon… This content was received in an email, (this contents are published here may not be the opinion of the owners of this website…

  • promise hope and change?

    It seems that there are so many things that are going on in this nation and so very often the news media seems to under report focusing on things that are of little importance compared to more serious issues like families, that are hungry, some even homeless, people living in substandard living areas, because they…

  • Stock market down

    The stock market hits low again, with some global economic news that made a lot of investors nervous. The thing here is this what can be done to slow down this bull market? The stock market ended far below what was predicted by many analysts, sparking a serious down turn of more than 260 points.…

  • debt crisis lies?

    Is there really not a debt crisis? The truth may be stranger than fiction in this case we have Trillions of spending, that everyone fully 94 percent of the American public allegedly agree cannot be sustained for even a moment longer.  Everyone with any kind of common sense at all knows that we cannot continue…

  • Obama to blame?

    Is President Obama to blame for the problems that we have, well according to this email he is, and they say that he has threatened to veto a bill that might put Americans back to work, but is that really true? It seems like we have a problem and that for some reason the liberals…

  • Trillions in spending

    So what can we do if the democrats do nothing to help stop this crisis. You can vote them out of office, yes the democrats, you remember they had a super majority, in congress and did not pass a budget? So now its the republicans fault that they did not pass a budget when they…

  • US credit rating

    If someone were intentionally trying to destroy the credit rating of the US government, then would that not be an act of treason? Would it not be a severe issue that needed to be solved? The US credit rating could be downgraded on Monday or later in the week amid speculation that Washington does not…

  • Record Budget deficits are we going broke?

    Spending millions for rats in swamps, millions more for other projects like save the minnow, more than 50,000 people out of work because of a little minnow, now folks that is just plain stupid, vote them out, now is your chance. Vote them out of office, from the council man or woman to the senator…

  • Hope and Change? or the end of america?

    Seriously is this the hope and change you wanted? Is this the End of what our fathers fought and died to create for us, A Better America? Are we seeing the destruction of America because of a small percentage of out of control Liberals? Perhaps you may have heard about job killing bills that Washington…