Tag: Shame
Starbucks creates mountain out of mole hill
Well it appears that Starbucks has created a serious problem that for most people had died down. There are a minority of people in the US that truly believe that Gun Control works, just ask any of the families of the victims of violence if they wish they could have been there to shoot the…
Chris Wallance Biased comments…
We know that many news outlets attempt to present a viable and reliable news presentation, Fox makes much about the fair and balanced approach, however is that really accurate? Today we watched Chris Wallace make a statement before introducing a video of the George Zimmerman reaction to the verdict. Bias can take many forms and…
Gun Laws we have plenty of them now…
Yes, you heard right we have plenty of Gun Laws… The problem is that they are not being enforced. That may sound bad, but it is the truth, none of the proposed Gun Laws, being considered in the Senate this week would have prevented any of the terrible tragedies, yet we have the media that…
liberal fox news comentators, suggest that only ohio matters?
This morning a certain blond fox news commentator, (bobble head) made the suggestion that only Ohio matters in regard to the presidential election, how stupid is that? So, what should we do cancel the elections for all the other states? Is it reasonable to believe that only one state matters in an election? The ignorant…
Democrats have no direction?
What is going on when in a debate the best that democrats can come up with is to laugh at the most important issues of this election. That is a huge problem, one that cannot be solved by laughter. Joe Biden did not come prepared to debate he came to insult the American People, he…
Real or made up?
Question of the day, are stings real or are they fabricated? Was the danger ever real? If you entice a man to do something that he would not ordinarily do what have you done? Think about that for a moment, if you have say a taco salesman and you offer him a cut rate price…
Judge Bill orielly
Amazing stuff, but did Bill orielly really sit as judge when he knew little or nothing about this case? You have to wonder about the situation because this is what is killing America this Bias in the media. And it is on both sides, Shame on Bill orielly for his negative coverage of this trial.…
fox news comentator says mac and cheese is killing kids?
Update Ronald Mcdonald may be to blame? Oh, My, Lions Tigers and Bears, Oh my MAC and cheese is killing our children, Oh my. Folks, we just heard this on TV that MAC and Cheese kills children if that is true, then it is too late, because back in the 1960s to even today kids…
Newt Gingrich done…
Is Newt Gingrich done with his latest presidential bid, Newt dude, save your money, no modern president has been short or overweight… I know that may be hard to take and I know it may not be popular but it is the cold hard truth, just like I will never wake up one…
Blago on Trial
How much money has been spent on this case? How much more money will be spent, salaries, of Judges, court officials, Lawyers, and more, not to mention the cost of utilities, and many other hidden expenses, yet, for what reason are the Tax payers, involved in this issue. Our nation is facing natural disaster after…