Update Ronald Mcdonald may be to blame?
Oh, My, Lions Tigers and Bears, Oh my MAC and cheese is killing our children, Oh my.
Folks, we just heard this on TV that MAC and Cheese kills children if that is true, then it is too late, because back in the 1960s to even today kids have been eating MAC and cheese and they are still alive. The thing I am concerned with is this, if MAC and cheese kills kids then we do not need schools any more and if we dont need schools anymore than we dont need teachers, and if we dont need teachers anymore then we dont need unions either.
But all in all what makes more sense, that MAC and cheese kills children or that we dont need liberals telling us what we can eat and what we cannot eat? What we need is common sense and not this ignorance that we see on some TV stations. Imagine that, Mac and Cheese killing kids, really fox news, shame on you for having that idiot on TV in the first place. If I had not just seen this on TV I would have just laughed but they actually had this nut case on TV talking about how kids were all getting fat and that they would all die (allegedly) if this is true we must act now, call before midnight for your free Elvis collection.
Operators are standing by… There are times when you have to just shut off someone microphone more so when they are stupid, because you cant fix stupid. While we may need some guidance in eating good food we do not need the white-house telling us what foods to eat not when they consume more lobster than a small country on a weekly basis. When they start eating the same food as the rest of us eat then I will be glad to listen to what they have to say. Until then if your eating at the most prestigious restaurants in town then I don’t want to hear what you have to say about eating the right food.