Tag: marketplace
American Health Care Fiasco
The big Fiasco here is something that no one is talking about. Just today the Fox News Out Numbered Panel discussed the Health Care Issues. No one talked about the one thing that caused the Affordable Health Care Act to fail in the first place. That is incredible. The Gorilla in the Room here is…
Dangers strangers and the internet
You know there are a lot of dangerous things going on these days and its not happening on the local street corner like it used to be and still is in some places. There are some places where people are getting taken for their money and there is no sheriff. There is no one that…
double standard flap
The geese are hollering, the geese being the liberal media Trying to slant the news and present biased views as truth. It is of course a lie which most people can clearly see. Perhaps in the 1950s when the average education level was 5th or sixth grade, we have now evolved, were no longer ignorant,…
Part time employment?
Surviving on minimum wage used to be a difficult process however it is getting even more difficult. When you add up the cost of just living not to mention trying to survive, the first question is how can it be done at all. If you are lucky enough to get a job and keep it,…