Tag: liberals

  • Liberals lies

    Liberals, when will they learn. Why do they do it? When they lie, people know the truth, yet they do it anyway, I will never understand them. What is wrong with a people that can only tell lies? It is almost like they cant tell the truth at all, allegedly. To honest people it is…

  • Tea Party

    Liberals have attacked the tea party, but they failed. They have lied, about the tea party and they have failed. They have tried to enlist an organization to paint the tea party, as racist, but they failed. They have failed, now it is time to vote them out of office, they are the ones that…

  • Now this is the real liberal agenda

    You know this is just amazing, this is how these people act when they don’t know other people are listening, you see this is what is wrong with liberals, watch it if you dare, it is just what they are, (allegedly) they eat their own, they are allegedly cannibals. This could not have happened to…

  • Federal judge blocks states rights?

    Virginia rules, now we have rights again, this is headed for the supreme court. As the sheriff says, Are we fighting our own government, as the sheriff of maricopa county Arizona believes? Arizona, fights dictator?  Will this be the headline in just two months time? Is america going down… Liberals are trying to ruin this…

  • Virginia AG rules Police can do thier jobs.

    Ok, so now you have it, the police are able to do their jobs, are you surprised, because if it were not true this country would degrade into evil and anarchy. Which demands an explanation from the white house as to why they are engaging in this unreasonable activity trying to work against the American…

  • Secure our Borders now

    Question, can you just walk into any other country in the world, and not have to prove who you are? You would have to be mentally ill to try that in Russia or China, you know what would happen to you? Yes, thats right you go to jail, and you know what else, you probably…

  • Big News, Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama?

    Many people just want to know why? They want to know, can we trust the man? When a Man comes to you and says I will do this if you vote for me, and then later he does something totally different, it leaves you wondering, about if you can trust any politician, shades of read…

  • Is fox news really fair and balanced?

    Is all news emotional based on thin fact checking? We have to ask because it often seems like fox is not always running with the right headline, (allegedly) Is Fox news becoming just like all the other networks, full of liberals that spin off in all different directions? We have to ask because it looks…

  • did they just blame bush again?

    Any day now I expect some one to say that the reason that the current administration has so many liabilities and worrisome issues, is that well bush is to blame, Wait, that seems like child’s play, does it not, you know the SODDT defense. Some Other Due Did It. Excuse me, but how often, do…

  • So this is what you get?

    Insanity, or just stupidity, do liberals really think they can get away with insulting the voters? Is this what the people of california want?