Tag: liberals

  • tea party rally speaks for itself

    this is a great video one you should share, it has over 600 thousand views and growing, a great slice of American life. With the Failed rally to restore a paycheck to liberals, or comedic liners, failed, it is good to know that at least some of what America is all about is really important.

  • Up to the Challange

    Will they stand up to the corrupt, liberals in sheep’s clothing? Or will they just do the same old thing after getting elected. Will the republicans be up to the challenge of the huge responsibility that the voters gave them? Many people are already saying that the republicans are not up to the challenge that…

  • So now what?

    Will it be as the liberals suggest? That now republicans have to sit at the back of the bus? Exactly what would that be? We just want to understand, because if before liberals were in charge and everyone else sat at the back of the bus. Why now that republicans have been elected to represent…

  • America Wins at the Polls Socialists Fail

    America has won and that is good news, because Washington refused to listen to the American people. They thought we were too stupid to understand the message. We knew and we still know what the liberals were up to and the message is clear the Constitution is still the rule of law. The constitution is…

  • Liberals Voter Fraud?

    Now is this true? This is crazy but it could happen, so the moral to this story is to watch very carefully the people who are voting. No, its not the voters but it could be allegedly a poll worker, or even someone one the election board.

  • election results

    Polls will begin to close in the next 20 minutes, so strap up because we are in for a wild ride. While it may be a while forever for some, the day has only just begun, people will be voting all day long and pundits will be claiming this and that, but to be honest,…

  • could the polls be wrong?

    We may not know for some time yet, but one thing for sure, I believe there will be a lot of surprised people soon. Many people wonder about how polls are done, for the most part, it is about as scientific as counting how many people it takes to change a light bulb, wait thats…

  • Election mid term

    Results are just now starting to come in. Amazing here we are and you know what, turn out is huge, already more and more have showed up to vote. here we go hope your lap strap is on because its going to be a wild ride. We just came back from voting, and the parking…

  • running scared, liberals are pulling all the stops out.

    Looks like the liberals are all about being scared, now they want to talk the talk, but you know what, the time to do that would have been last year, you know back when they could have done something about all the garbage that was going on in Washington. But they failed to do that…

  • Will the Black Community stand behind Juan Williams?

    We have to say that if this were a white Tea party supporter, who fired Juan Williams, there were now be protests all over Atlanta Ga, and yes, it might even be more… Where is the EEOC Where is the NAACP Why will they not stand up for Juan Williams? Where is the ACLU? But…