Tag: Inflation
high fuel prices Again!
Well tighten your lap strap folks here we go again. In a quiet news story a big problem with the supply of Fuel in the USA! One of the biggest problems America faces is the supply of Fuel not because we don’t have any but because Political forces have created the problem that caused prices…
The dirty Little big Secret of Inflation…
The truth about inflation is a dirty little secret that perhaps you may not be completely aware. You hear about how there is not much inflation yet you see the price of food and hard goods continue to go up. The one thing that is not so visible is how many manufacturers are very…
Jobs and Lies
Imagine what would happen if everything coming out of Washington DC were a lie… What would you do? How could you expect to have a future because everyone and I do mean everyone knows that lying does not lead to success for the middle class, we know it and everyone else does to… Mark Twain…
The truth is hard to swallow Jimmy had no choice
Perhaps you may remember the last Energy Crisis, inflation, and many other problems. Are we watching a repeat in history and what does this mean to America?
Did David Axelrod just lie to the entire world?
[kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4 size=”50″ color=”#5dac25″ ]Cutting Medicare..[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4] LIARS IN OFFICE… Are you sick and tired of all the liars in office these days….??? Who is telling the truth because in a world where two people are saying very different things it is very rare to not have facts to be able to determine the truth of…
Ben Bernake Traitor?
“Rick Perry: It Would Be ‘Almost Treasonous’ For Ben Bernanke To Print More Money Before Election” You know what, I wonder if it would actually be a criminal act. In this type of economy, hyper inflation is a real problem, printing money would be the straw that could break the camels back so to speak.…
sold out
Perhaps you may remember a movie or two where the dastardly coward sells out his mates, you know the bad guy usually wearing a black hat in the old westerns, and sometimes wearing a grey hat in more modern appearances. They would say we have been sold out, meaning an act of treason against the…
Oil prices soar?
$5.00 Gas? When will the price gouging end? Well, it looks like hyper inflation may be here folks, and if your not stocked up on a few staples you could find sticker shock something to really worry about in the very near future. Inflation is near was Glenn Beck right all along. As prices…