Inflation the real truth behind the trash talking

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This year my 73 year old mother, who gets precious little from Social Security, was informed in a letter that the cost of milk had not actually gone up, it was not really over 3 dollars a gallon it must be her imagination, she was informed that the cost of gas was really not 2.95 per gallon that it must be just because she is just not up with the way they add things up.

She was told that canned goods are not really 1.89 for soup, no it must be her imagination.

She received a letter from Social Security that stated that by law, the cost of living would increase her small check but that this year as in the year before, there would be no cost of living increase because there is no inflation.   There are reports about how they arrived at these amazing figures by doing some really stupid math, because everyone knows that everything has gone up in some cases inflation (real inflation not the faked numbers of hope and change) but real inflation is around 20 percent higher than last year, everyone that actually takes time to put gas into their tanks, knows this too.

Were not that stupid, yet, for two years in a row, the old among us have to suffer and I would like to understand how that can be the hope and change you voted for?

I want to know how starving the old folks will help in any meaningful way, when they show up in the emergency rooms across the USA because of malnutrition and cold, even frost bite cases.

People this is sick and disgusting, but it is what you voted for, right?

Imagine for a moment, that you are on a fixed income and you cannot afford to buy expensive versions of the groceries, that most people buy, the problem is that for many people higher costs of food is an indication of inflation.

Inflation, you know when prices go up and up and up, well gas is almost 3.00 per gallon, that my friends is inflation.

When I see these goons talk about how there is no inflation I wonder if they can sleep at night knowing that they are liars.

So how much does it cost really, I mean when you add in the size of the product or actually the reduction in the size of the product how much money will it take to buy a
loaf of bread in the new year?

Perhaps more than you think, and less than you imagine.

One may wonder why the media including the much vaunted Fair and Balanced, Fox news has not covered this news story, it makes you wonder about if perhaps they are right and these companies are no longer news companies perhaps they are really just advertising companies.

Here is yet another news item you will not find on Fox news because they apparently have dropped the ball yet again, it is about how high inflation actually is and you know what even Glenn Beck missed this story, but hey perhaps he will read it here and take up the story.

Here is the deal, the hidden costs associated with inflation is all about what you dont see and it is all about what you no longer are getting.

Want to know what that is?

Simple, it is the product, that you are no longer getting.

This is something that has been going on quietly for three years, the reduction in product equals inflation then they started going up on the prices of these items, so that really increases inflation.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that there is no inflation, let them know your no dummy.

For example, lets take a cup of yogurt, three years ago in 2007 on average a cup of yogurt was 8 oz and the cost was around 40 cents, per cup.

Today you might find a cup of yogurt at 60 cents, ok so lets have a look at this, the first thing you see is that the cost has gone up by 20 cents. However what you do not see at least right away is that the cup of yogurt they are selling you is now a 6 oz cup.

That is a reduction in product, which means that not only are you paying more for the yogurt you get but you are paying for yogurt that you do not get.

See the problem, here, Now I was never real good at math, so I dont know the exact algebra to get this right but I am going to say that in this instance it is close to a 40 percent increase.

40 percent.

So now do you see how this is really bad for the economy?

What I do not understand here is how Fox and Glen Beck missed this story.

So the idea that there is no inflation, is just well it is a lie, it is a false hood.

We have lots of inflation, you may not notice it as much but it is just as real as real gets.