Tag: health care

  • congress tells you what they think

    They hate, you they think that your stupid. You know what, I am not sure but I think that when someone insults you and tells you they think your stupid that means that they dont like you. Will congress tell you what they think of you? As news agencies report that congress may not address…

  • health care woes aflict business

    There seems to be many companies that are really in dire straights, if you listen to them that is, about the new health care plans, mandated by the so called Obama care health care plans, including now McDonald’s Corp, which employs over 1.4 million employees. Some large corporations have suggested that additional layoffs could be…

  • election results

    This year is going to be very interesting for politics, simply because we are looking at what could be a huge back lash on incumbents, you know those that have been up there getting fat on the tax payer dime for years and years. The time is getting closer, November to be exact, While some…

  • Dictator in the USA?

    What is going to happen to America? Will we loose our freedom? Are we faced with having a dictator in office? Will we become a third world country… Are will looking at a government dictator? This might sound crazy, but you have to ask because anytime, you see such a disparity in what the people…

  • Nancy Pelosi Quit your Jobs

    Will you vote Nancy out of office this November… Nancy, Nancy, Oh Nancy, we all cringe, when she gets in front of a microphone… (allegedly) Amazing stuff, you know what, vote this alleged, crazy person out of office, it is time. Well Arlen Specter is now history, (we told you he would be gone soon)…

  • Are we all wrong?

    Bill orielly, sometimes defends Washington, on some of the things they do, while it really does look like they are up to no good at all, is everything they have done so far really bad for America? What if were wrong, and the things that Washington is doing like with health care, what if we…

  • Health care end of life decisions

    The end of life, have we reached it? When will they start to decide when old is too old to live? We have been warned, by people like Glenn beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and others, they have all been vocal about the state of affairs, of this great nation. In any other part of…

  • Audit the FED?

    I submit that the oil leak, will be plugged before this happens, Will we fix the problem or stick our heads in the sand… Rasmussen reports that 80 percent of the People of the US say, do the right thing and edit the fed…. Should we audit the FED, well here is something that may…

  • Rand Paul Wins Huge victory

    The Tea Party is beginning to pick up speed, regardless of what the liberal biased media have said, This is a big deal, this is a referendum on the Liberal, agenda, Even republicans are not safe… We are not going to put up with politics as usual, were sick of it, watch as both democrats…