Tag: Felony

  • Why Hillary will never be president…

    Is it true that Hillary Klinton may never become president? Probably true yes… You just have to wonder why anyone would even run for president, but then again this is America, most people would be able to run for president but should everyone be able to do so. . . This is scary stuff, If…

  • No more free speech look out code pink

    A new bill makes it a Felony for protesting… First Amendment, AMazing, folks. You will not believe this.

  • Protesting and congress

    Common Sense, its really not that hard to figure out but why does it seem like congress just cannot figure it all out. A bill was just introduced that would make it a felony, If you happened to have on a T shirt expressing your constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. Now, were definitely against…

  • Protests, Tshirts and the American Way

    [kc_background_pac_1_heading_12]Congress is Missing in Action, Where are our Leaders…[/kc_background_pac_1_heading_12] The United States is on the brink of financial ruin, the dollar is worth less than it was in 2001, more than 24 Million Americans are unable or unwilling to find a job. We live in a nation where on average there are more murders in…

  • Reject the Senate

    The Senate wants to put your child in jail for watching a youtube video? What no way, I mean dont they have enough problem with the debt and the economy without trying to pass a law to make it a felony to watch a video online?  Really this is the hope and the change you…

  • 978

    Will you some day soon find that your child may be charged with a felony for watching a video on youtube.com? That could happen if we do not call our senators and congressman on this issue, it is a horrible bill and you should really have a long look at the senators that have sponsored…

  • Youtube felony

    If the Senate has its way you might soon become a criminal facing federal prision time for up to five years. huge fines, how would you pay for a fine, sell your house? Sell everything you own just to try to stay out of jail? Is this an attempt by the senate to bypass the…

  • The court of public opinion

    First there was the Duke Case, then several other cases where charges were filed that should not have been filed. So what is up with this nonsense. Are we watching the end of the legal system in America, some say that eventually we might see all cases tried in the media, apparently with this casey…

  • S978 could make this video a crime

    The following video under S978 a bill to criminalize online content as a felony with view of more than 10 view in 180 day. The video below this could soon be punishable by prison of 5 years and a fine of Oppose this bill by contacting your senator. This republician has allegedly sold out to…

  • Senate bill 978

    Will we sit idly by and watch as Senators try to make felons out of our children? Vote them out of office, if they are not fit for office then they need to be voted out, when you talk about making it a crime to view content that someone else claims is copyrighted, (which by…