Tag: Dnc
Election Day legal news
In a nation where about half the people do not vote and the other half are evenly divided about everything you can imagine. We are about to see what may be a big legal battle and to prove that have a look at this news story. Law360, New York (November 03, 2014, 7:10 PM ET)…
Voting for the future
This year we have an opportunity to tell washington that the people can vote. It seems that so many people do not vote, even when you see a high turnout it is usually just a percentage of all the voters. This has been a problem for many years. This year your votes can make a…
Was the Democratic National Convention a success or not?
There are some indications that the choice of venue for the DNC this year was not really well developed. However it is something of a misnomer to think that they just were unable to energize their base
DNC Bain Capitol Attack Backfires
In what has become some really interesting stuff it appears that once again another false story has surfaced that tends to insult most of Americas intelligence. news story Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”…
DNC in North Carolina
Do crazy speeches filled with lies mean that people are really as dumb as the democrats think that they are or is this some kind of weird twilight zone thing… You are getting very sleepy, you will believe everything I say because I am screaming and trying to take off with my arms windmilling…
Debbie does DC
Ok, that sounds like a bad movie, but the thing is when you see some of the obvious disconnection between the DNC and the American public you have to wonder just what they are thinking and why are they even in office in the first place. Here is an attractive young lady, (ok perhaps not…
The sky is falling?
Who do you want in charge? People who are so emotional that they distort the truth? People who lie to you? Or people who are trying to do the right thing for our children? Help the sky is falling the sky is falling, where is chicken little or is that Nancy P, we have to…
what comes around
Is this the best time to fake an election? Well it appears that the liberals in Wisconsin allegedly backed by some allegedly rogue Unions are causing some issues for the election year in a time when the economy is in a turmoil should not Washington be stepping in to deal with this element that…