The idea that you could go to jail for refusing to wear a mask is insanity? More so when you consider that many states have released prisoners from jail because of the risk of getting Covad 19?
This is crazy but yet here we are.
Recently the Governor of Alabama issued a Mandatory Mask order!
Even after all of the lawsuits concerning unlawful and unconstitutional order issued by governors in several different states the Governor of the State of Alabama still issued this unconstitutional order!
What is wrong with a governor that would do this?

Boycott any Business that does this!
I am prepared to wait this out and I believe that are many more that feel the same way…
Just refuse to do business with these big monopoly companies like Walmart, Samsclub, CVS, WAlgreens, Burger king and more…
What they believe is that if they all join in you will have no choice but to comply…
We will not comply!
Wearing a mask will not prevent the spread of Covad 19…
Not wearing a mask will not change anything!
If you are sick of these politicians who apparently believe the CryBaby Media and the CDC liars… Then Vote in 2020…
What they hope to do is to suppress the vote so that they can finish the job of destroying the U.S.