Is it possible that a report by the IG, Inspector General could put an end to the political aspirations of Hillary Clinton?
source Roger Aronoff
With a State Department Inspector General’s report concluding that Hillary Clinton was not, and would not have been, permitted to use a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state, the mainstream media have been forced to finally wake up and take notice of this persistent Clinton scandal. But instead of reporting that the revelations demonstrate how unfit Mrs. Clinton is for president, these news reports largely focus on the claim that it was merely record-keeping policies, or rules, which were broken.
“When two IT staffers raised concerns in 2010 that the system might not properly preserve records, the official said the system had been reviewed by attorneys and chided the staffers ‘never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again,’ the report says,” according to The Washington Post. “The IG’s office said it could not find evidence of such a legal review.”
In other words, the IT department was strong-armed into accepting Hillary’s dangerous email setup.
This is a little concerning or a lot concerning…
One thing for sure when it comes to running for president apparently the media are not interested in the truth only what they believe is best for everyone, the problem is that this is not freedom it is slavery to the media.
Amazing right once journalists were for abolishing slavery now they appear to be encouraging enslaving everyone is that not wrong?
You know it is and most everyone else does too, the only problem are those people in the media that are broken and unhinged, even perhaps dangerous to themselves or others.
Perhaps it is time to turn the TV off and remind those intolerant media companies that without advertisers and audience they are just making a lot of noise that means nothing.