Election Fraud…

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This is what is happening.

Get ready for amazing news that you will not hear on national TV.

This is really getting too big for the media to continue to lie about.

But the Media are sticking to the lies so far they are lying about everything.

Mathematically it is impossible Benfords LAW. . .

The difference between real votes and fake votes and so far the Media are still lying about everything. . .

This is the biggest News story since Watergate and Fox news is getting caught with their pants down…
The truth will come out…

Breaking News, it is being reported that the Head of FEC Says He Believes Powell’s Claims of Voter Fraud! That is the Federal Elections Commission.


“They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”

“We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell said.

This time the Media are wrong…

This time the Media are going to pay for what they have been doing..

America will not accept the lies of the biased media any longer and also those companies that advertiser on the media they are just as big a part of this issue.

Because what they are saying here is that they support what the media are doing…

Americans need to boycott all advertisers that support the take over of the The American Way of life in favor of socialists and liars.



