Not Democrat
Not Independant
We are not a Label or a Barcode that someone tries to make up for who we are…
We are People…
Complex living human beings that are often different every day!
This notion that you have to be a republican or a democrat is ignorant and foolish mostly because neither of these two political parties are doing the right thing for People!
Lately Democrats have become radical and out of control on issues that only make sense to themselves.
Republicans tend to at times become too strict with legalistic views and too loose on white collar crimes but the more recent surfacing of conservative values which basically is where this nation started out as has been become a victim of political two faced politicians who cannot tell the truth about anything.
But now we face a dire situation where agenda has created a problem with liberty.
In short liberty cannot be forestalled by trading it like a commodity!
Liberty is a sacred oath in this nation and it began when tyrants attempted to treat citizens and humans like they were the property of kings instead of who they really were and that was people.
Imagine the frustration when you look at history and find out that in reality much of the taxation was an attempt to profit from people who were dependant upon shipping companies to import products and many other things from thousands of miles away and profit may have indeed been at the bottom of the higher prices and thuggish behavior that caused a conflict that was heard around the world!
These days most students know little or nothing about the circumstances that created the freedom they now enjoy and it now being threatened by the same type of thugs and tyrants that created Excessive Taxation and now even your liberty may be in jeopardy!
You are no longer free to go outside!
What is this type of nonsense?
IT is Tyranny!
IT is Oppressive and it must stop else we may find that we are all subjected to the whims of evil men and women who believe in Thee But not Me!
Simply stated they believe that the rules and laws they make up are only for you but not they themselves!
That is Evil and it is becoming a real problem more so when the media are joining in with traitors and threatening liberty!
This year is an election year in which the media want to create fear so much that they can create a mail in ballot!
Imagine how many ballots could just be cast aside in order to change history!
How easy would it be to dump ballots in to a dumpster!
How easy would it be to just throw them away!
We cannot allow this to happen or else we will become like so many other nations where it does not matter if you vote or not the outcome of the election has already been decided for you regardless of who you actually vote for!
We must end this madness and stop out of control governors who would enslave you because they believe they are better than you are!
Think about that for a moment and you will soon see that it is not about politics and it is not about your health at all!