AKA Electronic Cheating…
We saw this happen and all of the world saw the truth about the last election.
Most people have no idea how a computer works or how software works…
If they were told that a computer actually does what the computer engineer tells it to do they could not explain how that happens…
Most people have almost no understanding of how computer software works.
Yet, those same people (some of which still believe that because its on TV it must be true) believe that electronic cheating is impossible all because the Media told them that…
The media said we were crazy that it was not what we thought…
They said You did not see what you thought you saw…
You did not see fake ballots…
You did not see cheating…
They said these things in the face of overwhelming evidence…
Now the media have a new little trick to go along with the old you didn’t see that or you didn’t build that…
Your crazy…
Name calling sure we can take it because we know were right…
Now they are using a new talking point they call it election denier’s.
even some politicians who used to be good people are now on board with this denier scam..
Here is how it works..
You take a fact and you pretend that the truth is actually a lie.
You turn that inside out and you start to say that everyone else is denying your truth.
But wait that makes no sense right?
Yes it is confusing and that is what the denial game is all about.
You deny the truth by saying that the truth is a lie and that everyone else is a liar but you when all the time you are the actual liar.
This is a psychological tool to create confusion and distention by denying the real truth.
Some people believe that no one ever went to the moon…
They point to film evidence taken with old black and white film and they say hey…
We never really went to the moon…
Then others start to believe this…
The problem is that we did go to the moon…
using psychological weapons can work for many other things when you are hiding a secret or you want to suppress a news story you try to hide behind tricks to try to make weak minded people believe that what you have to say is more truthful than what the truth actually is.
Electronic cheating is real we saw it and while the media deny that truth and try to call us names we are the American People and we will not be denied.
I said that to say this when electronic software experts tell you that scientifically there is no way more voters than what live in a given voting area could have possibly voted…
That has to be something to consider because in the absence of truth and the substitution of opinion for truth… the real denials are almost always to cover up the real truth and that is something that people should think about…