Tag: Whitehouse

  • Oil Companies Sue Whitehouse?

    The shocking truth about the high cost of Gas and who is to blame… Chances are someone you know may be putting money into the gas tank that they would be using for food, but the White house seems to be making things worse, for the poor man for those that have to do jobs…

  • US Credit Rating now AA

    The handwriting is on the wall now, and if congress and the White-house do not take some action to get a flat tax in place, a capitol gains holiday to those individuals that hire and start a new business, (creating more jobs)  then the stock market will crash to what some are predicting will be…

  • S $ P Fights back?

    In a move that is sure to draw more criticism, from Advocates of the Don’t Ask Don’t tell spending policy of the US at least the last three years or so, )  Standard and Poors, or should that be Poor, US, not sure which but one thing seems clear the criticism, of the Credit rating…

  • sold out America?

    Have we been sold out by the republicans in congress, who were elected to do the will of the people. It is a serious problem when those that promise to do the right thing fail to do it, when presented with the chance to make a difference in the world have they betrayed the people…

  • 2560 Cut Cap Ballance

    Will we continue to be America the Beautiful or will we cease to be a nation of Free men and women? We have come to a cross roads and the decision is before us will we continue down the road to financial ruin or will This is what the American people really want and it…

  • rick perry for president

    Can three term Governor Rick Perry win in an election? That may be difficult to answer without some explanation the answer might be yes, simply because the whitehouse is not doing what it could do to empower the American people with jobs, it is as simple as that.   We need a man that is…

  • Is weiner a weiner?

    Vote them out Vote them out Vote them out. Vote this guy out of office, because well you know what he just allegedly is not the kind of man that really can represent the public, anyone else acting like this in public would be in jail… Its time to put these liberals out of office.…