Tag: Wall Street Journal

  • New debt deal lie?

    Have we been lied to yet again? The politicians may have done what they do best, play a game of kick the can, paint a fence white with cheap paint and call it a $40 dollar hammer. But what really seems to be salt in the wound is the media.   You know after a…

  • The sky is falling, really?

    Hey look out the sky is falling the sky is falling, oh my Lions Tigers and Bears, look out the sky is falling, oh really This is not funny but you just have to laugh… received in an Email… ‘The Unthinkable Is FinallyBecoming a Reality’ – The Wall Street Journal Dear Concerned American, According to…

  • High prices

    Just received this in an email, interesting fodder for the mill however, it is really interesting that there is so a difference in diesel prices, (which have a direct impact on food prices) $1,000 per year. That’s how much EXTRA you are coughing up as gas prices exceed $4 a gallon. Do you believe President…