Tag: unknown
Media inspired insanity
Here is a really good question and before you answer too quickly think about it… Are we facing a crisis of unknown proportions? Is it because we as a nation are not really paying attention to what is going on in the world around us that we find our selves at the mercy of what…
Walter Cronkite vs George Stephanlolsis,
I think it is absolutely essential in a democracy to have competition in the media, a lot of competition, and we seem to be moving away from that. Walter Cronkite You know they say that the good old days are just a few years in your rear view mirror, perhaps its true and there are…
man sues girlfriend for being dumped
Now this is a somewhat interesting situation, considering this happens probably a lot. Here is the basic information on this case and a few other cases that have been going through the courts both in the United States and in some other Nations. The base premise here is that the woman used the man for…
911 Attacks was it really all about an unknown movie?
The media and apparently some odd individuals in the administration want you to think that the assault and murder of American Citizens and even a Navy Seal, was the result of a movie that few people have ever seen, in fact it is possible that no one has seen it that was involved in those…
Threats, thugs, liars and the Biased media
You know it seems like a bad movie that somehow made it to the screen and you look at what is going on and you have to wonder, is this how all unions are? The answer is of course not, yet the media would have you believe that all unions are evil and that all…
Public Health Care
No one would argue that the health care system needs to be fixed, however so far all attempts at fixing the system has met with failure, rationing is likely the next thing to hit, but is this all accurate, can we really save money? Perhaps, we can, save some money. One place where we can…
Politizing death…
It is a shame on the media and certain websites that have attempted to blame politics for the shooting tragedy that shook the country this Saturday, it is difficult to believe when you see politics being used in the death of Americans. When you see headlines that blame this terrible tragedy on all manner of…