Tag: Spittle

  • judge pirro

    They say there is nothing like a woman scorned. Was pirro scorned by the Anthonys, and if so why is she allowed to spew hate on fox news? Is this woman being objective?   When you look at the insanity of an alleged maven of press, like this alleged judge, or perhaps an ex judge…

  • Casey Anthony not guilty

    Did the State of Florida over step its bounds? Why did the State of Florida choose to try to prove Murder when they could have proved, other things that would have kept her behind bars for a long time, why did they not see what was so obvious to everyone else? They wanted to take…

  • Pirro biased?

    Amazing stuff folks and when you look at this woman you can almost see the alleged hatred and spittle flying from her mouth, (allegedly) So what is going on with this strange and allegedly biased coverage of fox news? is there something wrong with this so called EX judge pirro? Why always the negative?  Ask…

  • ex judge biased

    Today you could almost allegedly see the spittle flying from this womans mouth when she allegedly spewed hate out on the so called fair and ballenced network, but is that realy accurate?   allegedly biased coverage of fox news?   Why always the negative?  Ask yourself why Fox coverage is always so negative. Is the…

  • Romney and Obama?

    [kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main size=”45″ color=”#000″ ]Election 2012..[/kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main] Would we be better off with an Oromney? or how about Robomney it makes little difference because what Romney is should be plain to most people… Well, folks, there is a difference between these two candidates, and you might be surprised to learn that there is an election that will…