Tag: Six Years
Defeat Dick Durban?
You know there comes a time when politicians should just retire, We desperately need new people in congress people that have common sense, people that can think, people that are not prone to senility, when you look at these things you have to wonder who is voting for these people and why are they voting…
In a situation like this you have to ask what is this man doing in office at all? This news story, which may come as a surprise to some, since allegedly the media only covers some news and not all news, (what a shame we have no courage anymore) we have no reporters that are…
Maxine Waters?
So this is the hope and the change that we voted for? If it is not then where is that leader? I am sad to say that I did vote for hope and change, but not the hope and change of only 10 percent of the American people, the other 90 percent of the American…
Stupid Judges?
Over the last few months the trial of Casey Anthony was a great demonstration of how not to prosecute a case. You saw evidence submitted that was not even scientifically sound, (an electronic sniffer gadget) which is based on some pretty shaky, scientific ground, it has been used effectively for detecting criminal actions, like the…