Tag: serious

  • Trump not serious

    While it might seem like an interesting thing to the liberal media, Trump is not really a serious candidate for President. While many people would like to see a popular candidate and it would be a good thing if there were such a candidate, like for real I would vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger right now,…

  • Washington wont honor budget deal?

    Reports are coming in this morning that the Obama White house will not be honoring the Budget deal with congress. Which some say is no surprise, however, it is concerning that when men come together and shake hands and write on paper what they will do then later they decide that they will not abide…

  • What happened to Fox and Friends?

    So I am wondering just when Fox news is going to actually report the new that North Korea has fired Artillery rounds at south Korea. I mean come on, how crazy is this, if you were watching Fox news, you might not know about world new that is happening in the rest of the world.…

  • Gunman Killed in Shooting at Army Base

    We may never know the true story on this, but one things seems clear, our border towns are not as safe as they once were and allegedly you can look to the liberals to place the blame. We have serious problems that need to be handled, and this is one area that we could be…

  • Nancy Pelosi Quit your Jobs

    Will you vote Nancy out of office this November… Nancy, Nancy, Oh Nancy, we all cringe, when she gets in front of a microphone… (allegedly) Amazing stuff, you know what, vote this alleged, crazy person out of office, it is time. Well Arlen Specter is now history, (we told you he would be gone soon)…

  • Virginia AG rules Police can do thier jobs.

    Ok, so now you have it, the police are able to do their jobs, are you surprised, because if it were not true this country would degrade into evil and anarchy. Which demands an explanation from the white house as to why they are engaging in this unreasonable activity trying to work against the American…