Tag: Prosperity
What if?
What if we are all wrong? What if every one is wrong and President Obama is right? When you think about it, what if the White House is right and everyone else in the world is wrong? The economy is a big thing, just imagine if the Mississippi river represented the economy of the United…
Tea party mania?
The news is clear, the media does not like the tea party, in fact they hate it, why is that because the Tea party is made up of Americans, real people that work real jobs and have real families, that go to school and go to college and vote in elections. They do not go…
GOP Turn coats
Are politicians ruining the American Dream of prosperity for every day people? Will the GOP sell out the American people and if they do should they be voted out of office? Well if you were wondering if the Politicians in Washington would do the right thing, I hope you are not too disappointed, because apparently…
Tax cut or Tax increase, fox news drops the ball again?
So has Fox news once again missed this story? It seems like it might actually be that way, because the story should be this, US citizens, get to keep more of their money, so they can spend the money any way they would like to spend it, so in reality you cannot really say it…