The news is clear, the media does not like the tea party, in fact they hate it, why is that because the Tea party is made up of Americans, real people that work real jobs and have real families, that go to school and go to college and vote in elections.
They do not go to protests and bang on drums or chant violent slogans…
Received in an Email, (may not be the opinion of the administrator or owners of this website)
Politicians in Washington don’t know what to do with themselves. They’ve never seen anything like the level of activism we’ve shown them in recent weeks! We’ve sent almost 900,000 letters to elected representatives in Washington on issues ranging from the debt ceiling to spending cuts to the postal reform act, and we’re going to keep turning up the pressure!
The challenges we face are tough, and it’s going to take a concerted effort to win the difficult policy battles ahead. But, as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said in a speech at the Reagan Library Tuesday, these challenges give us a tremendous opportunity. “What we have before us is a golden opportunity afforded to few Americans,” Rubio said. “We have the opportunity within our lifetime to actually craft a proper role for government in our nation.”
One of the challenges we face is our deficit spending. Politicians in Washington have run up the credit card bill so high that it seems like we might never get out from underneath it! That’s why we’ve sent over 86,000 letters to Congress urging them to support Rep. Connie Mack’s (R-FL) “One Percent Spending Reduction Act.” This bill, H.R. 1848, will cut 1% of the federal budget each year for the next six years. By 2018, it will install a cap on federal spending, limiting it to just 18% of GDP. By 2019, the federal government will have a balanced budget and a spending cap. We will have cut up Washington’s credit card and forced them to live within their means!
We have an opportunity to bring America back to prosperity and economic recovery. When we flood Congress with letters, the politicians, who are used to ignoring the will of “We the People,” begin to wake up! You can help seize the opportunity to restore fiscal sanity in Washington by using our state-of-the-art petition system to contact your elected representatives and tell them to put America on the path to a balanced budget by supporting Connie Mack’s “One Percent Spending Reduction Act.”
We cover the costs of using the petition system, and a contribution is not required to participate, but your generous donations allow us to continue to offer this service free-of-charge to all Americans!
Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer
Patriot Heroe Contributors
Donated $100 or more (partial list)
Thank you so much!