Tag: Politicians

  • Ban the internet?

    Do you want your children to have the same opportunity as you did when you were growing up? Then listen up. If you value your freedom, then you had better speak up otherwise soon you might find you no longer have the right to free speech, The Senate is considering a bill that is just…

  • GOP Turn coats

    Are politicians ruining the American Dream of prosperity for every day people? Will the GOP sell out the American people and if they do should they be voted out of office? Well if you were wondering if the Politicians in Washington would do the right thing, I hope you are not too disappointed, because apparently…

  • Cut Cap Ballance…

    Can it be done, or is it just a dream that politicians might one day stand up like men instead of weeping and crying like children. Cut, Cap, and Balance 103 House Republicans sent a letter to House Republican leadership calling for a solution that could resolve the current debt limit impasse and prevent the bigger, Greece-like debt crisis…

  • Senators and politicians

    Betrayed by the GOP? Can we trust the politicians to do the right thing? The politics that are as usual grinding on under the surface, and rumors are that some Republicans have decided to capitulate to the demands of those that have made bad decisions in the past, as if they know what they are…

  • What we know?

    What if what we think we know may not be what it appears to be? What if it is just exactly what it appears to be. Over the last four years, and if you believe the biased media the last 12 years, then you know that we have experienced a loss of faith in Washington,…

  • Sarah Palin Emails

    Does the tail wag the dog? Where are all the liberals now?   Seems like all the news coverage did nothing and went no where. When will be begin to see the liberals emails, that would produce a lot of scandals, or is that not of interest to the media? Why should it matter about…

  • senate working against America?

    Is the Senate and Harry Reid allegedly working against the American people? In a recent news report, this headline came up. US Senate Votes For Repeal of Ethanol Subsidies, on the surface this might seem like a good thing, but is it really as good as it might seem to be? Lets think about this…

  • Weiner

    Now its your turn sir, perhaps you should examine your path in order to find your future. This is what you have when you have allegedly mentally ill people in office. Now the man has the opportunity to do the right thing and admit he made an error in judgment. The democrat double standard, with…

  • Pay back the money

    Is the Media Lying to you?   When will the media cover the real story instead of covering the lies of the politicians? Many Americans want to know when the media will start doing their jobs again instead of playing politics with the highest bidder for advertising dollars… Over the years, both the GOP and…

  • Blago on Trial

    How much money has been spent on this case? How much more money will be spent, salaries, of Judges, court officials, Lawyers, and more, not to mention the cost of utilities, and many other hidden expenses, yet, for what reason are the Tax payers, involved in this issue. Our nation is facing natural disaster after…