Tag: Mistake

  • Health care concerns

    Are you concerned about health care? You should be… If your younger your probably not very interested in this topic however that would be a huge mistake. It may take a few years for the changes to really be seen however when you need health care it will become very important to your state of…

  • slipped through the cracks

    Is it possible that the Gunman in the Colorado Massacre was not properly treated for a serious mental illness? In a news story out of Fox News Company the medical record of this doctor could be suspect in some serious ways. WAS Psychiatrist Lynne Fenton treating Colorado movie massacre suspect James Holmes.Did she make a…

  • Herman Cain accusations

    True or not, Racist or not, Is this just a liberal agenda to put as many republican candidatesout of the running as they can? Who will be next, will they find something no one knows about Mitt Romney? What about Newt Gingrinch, or will they just make something up entirely? double standard, lying fools? Does…

  • Why the Media likes Mitt Romney

    The Media seems to like Mitt Romney just like they liked John McCain. Remember that? Yes, we all do because, If John McCain were president now, we would not be in the dire conditions that were are in, our nation would be respected. We would not have the high number of lost jobs… We would…

  • Police Arrest Protesters

    Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters In a move that was inevitable, the police did what they do best, they imprisoned, oppressed, and subjected others to what they wanted to do. For those of you that may not have been watching Television lately due to the fat that most of the time you cannot get…

  • Terrorist Unions

    Over the last few months, we have seen some disturbing things, coming from some fringe “Unions” groups, destruction of property, vandalism, and other issues of violence, but is that the way that all Unions are? The answer to that is No, Most unions are about helping people not hurting them. Yet, most of the time…

  • NFL or President Obama?

    Well you might be wondering about this, subject, and yes, it is something of interest, however, over all those people that are interested in watching the first NFL football game, will really not be that interested in watching a speech anyway. So really all in all, I don’t really see a problem. If the speech…

  • fox news bias

    Fox news, Judge Jury Executioner,   Update did fox news, influence the trial by allegedly using negative descriptors and multiple "one way only" opinionated, bobble heads.  What could happen if Fox news continues its allegedly slanted coverage and harm comes to Casey Anthony as a direct result of Fox news allowing its bobble heads to…

  • Senate Bill felony

    Will you stand idly by and watch as Senators you elected make criminals out of your children? Soon it could be a felony and a criminal matter to do such things as these, while Mr. Weiner was definitly in the wrong, should be really be working on behalf of the a very small percentage of…

  • CNN Goofed it up?

    Did CNN miss the boat? Did they make a huge mistake? Did they show just how allegedly ignorant they really are? Is CNN stupid or is it just the people that work there? Amazing stuff folks, you just cannot make this kind of thing up.