Terrorist Unions

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Over the last few months, we have seen some disturbing things, coming from some fringe “Unions” groups, destruction of property, vandalism, and other issues of violence, but is that the way that all Unions are?

The answer to that is No, Most unions are about helping people not hurting them.

Yet, most of the time you see all this violence, and you see terrible things that are done in the name of a union, but is it fair to compare them in this way?

So is it fair to say that all unions are bad because a small percentage of them might be bad?

No again of course not, that is what you hear from the biased media, but is it fair to focus on some of these events?

Perhaps it is, we do not always get what we want, sometimes we get what we need, yet there are some that act like children, they act like its our way or no way, but is that really the way that most people are in America?

Again, No, however when a union breaks the law we cannot turn our heads and say oh well they just got a little excited lets give them a pass, again No, that is not the way that this thing works.

When we descend into violence, when we make the mistake of allowing emotions to drive the way we act, then we are no better than animals.