Tag: Medicare

  • Medicare Advantage Cuts?

    What are you telling me that Medicare Advantage Plans which were introduced in 2004 or perhaps earlier are being CUT up and bended, folded and mutilated. Actually this is true but what is even more interesting is that back in 2010 insurance companies quietly began to Gut the Medicare Advantage plans… So while a lot…

  • Why you cant repeal Obama Care

    Trying to Repeal Obama Care, AKA, the Affordable Care Act, is never going to help the health care system. The time to repeal it would have been as soon as they realized that Nancy Pelosi, was wrong about passing it so you could know what was in it. The reason why it needs to be…

  • Social Security gone forever?

    When they took money from Social Security they may have justified it by saying they would pay it back but you know what they never did. Now the money that should been there is not there and the interest that should have been added to the tank was never added, they need to pay the…

  • Did David Axelrod just lie to the entire world?

    [kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4 size=”50″ color=”#5dac25″ ]Cutting Medicare..[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4]   LIARS IN OFFICE… Are you sick and tired of all the liars in office these days….??? Who is telling the truth because in a world where two people are saying very different things it is very rare to not have facts to be able to determine the truth of…

  • medicare health care rationing?

    Some expensive drugs have been removed from the formulary, what if your life depends upon that drug, what will you do? This year the medicare open enrollment period has changed, which will lead to even more confusion to a confusing process. They cut Medicare in half, not legally but they allowed it to happen by…

  • Medicare Fraud

    Are we all being duped by the very doctors that should be caring for us? Are insurance companies lying to us? Are you thinking about changing Medicare plans but are not sure what to do? If you are sick and tired of all the insurance companies that are making money while Americans die because they…

  • Medicare advantage?

    Is the Medicare Advantage plan really an advantage or has it been instead gutted by the insurance companies?   The truth is that before even passing the new health care lawThe insurance companies were allowed to reduce the coverage, increase the price and dilute a great deal of the coverage. Are you worried that you…

  • medicare facts

    The fact is that much of the information you see online, is well not very factual because it comes from people that do not have medicare and have not been on medicare, they don’t know what it is like to wait in a waiting room full of sick elderly people, because they are not sick…

  • Medicare reform

    Will Medicare be broke soon? The idea that we must reform Medicare, is the truth however there have been a lot of lies told by the Mediaover time that many of them continue to lie about. We are sick of these lies and we think it is time to tell the truth, Medicare is not…

  • Senate the party of no?

         Defense Cuts, medicare cuts? What are they thinking, who is writing these bills is it not in the constitution that spending bills shall originate in the house? Harry Reid has once again failed the American People, he wanted a vote on his bill, but he will not allow a vote on any other…