Tag: liberals

  • Send them Packing

    It is time to get out and vote, because if you do not, then don’t complain about how you don’t like what is going on in Washington. Dear Patriot, We are making a big final push for conservative victory on November 2nd.  We are asking for your help and people from all over the country…

  • Fox news may not be so fair and ballanced?

    Is Fox news really Fair? Are they really Balanced, because often it looks more like entertainment than it does news. Could the liberals be right about Fox not being a “real” news company? or are they loosing touch with their viewers? You see a lot of this negative talk, allegedly… It really seems like fox…

  • Time magazine American-phobic?

    Do you like liberals and biased media? Why do they think we are not smart enough to figure out how twisted liberals really are? Do you like being called names? Do you buy this magazine, a publication that openly insults you to your face? Would you? Foolish, Foolish, Foolish when will they ever learn… This…

  • Nevada Race, gets dirty?

    Well so many people are looking at this race and monitoring, it very closely, so why are the liberals trying to cheat, well some allegedly say that they are trying to cheat because they think they can get away with it,

  • Rand Paul Stomp Video

    Well apparently the Liberals are at it again, once again attempting to distort the facts. with what must be considered a little over the top, or is it? But hey they don’t claim to be fair or balanced, do they? They have a video headline, that goes like this Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn…

  • Joining the Tea Party

    Millions of Americans are joining the tea party mostly because the liberal and biased media, including the Faux, Fair and Balanced network, They call us names. We are the People, we are not names that you can call us. We are People not names. We are Educators, We are Construction workers, We are bridge builders,…

  • Chris Wallace Unfair and Un ballanced?

    So the real question here is Fox news a real news company? or are they just as biased and slanted as the other media groups that perhaps don’t make as much money as fox does? This guy seems to favor the liberal view, but Fox loves to say how fair and ballanced that they are,…

  • Dream Act now dead?

    Will this dream die, many people sort of hope so, but what is this really is there some kind of serious proposal at all. Are we dreaming, or is this some kind of crazy stuff, you just have to wonder. When will the democrats learn, that the real world is not inside their heads? Immigration,…

  • November is almost here

    Get ready people because it is coming, election or as Glenn Beck predicts the democrats will try to take over using marshal law, one way or the other, change is coming, hopefully it will be the good kind of change and not what we have seen over the past two years. Remember in November, who…

  • social security cuts?

    Are we about to see the second alleged cut in social security? For the second time, since 1975 there will be no COLA increase in social security. They be cutting cutting cutting, but you know what its not the republicans that are doing the cutting. COLA, Cost of living, you have this first here folks…