Tag: Karl Rove

  • Pandering Political Pundits

    Pandering is not really a nice word but that does not seem to stop all of these so called Washington Insiders from constantly trying to defeat Donald Trump… That is really interesting because so far it has not worked well for them. (Many of them are now Former Politicians) When you hear the media crying…

  • Hillary brain damage?

    Have you heard about the attacks that some have made on a comment made by Karl Rove? The media made a lot of hay out of a question which has happened over and over again. The Huffington Post and other liberal view news outlets appeared to be very angry with Karl Rove, but did they…

  • karl Rove would be a traitor

    Would Karl Rove be considered a traitor if there were 1776 and America had not yet been born? The possibility is good, simply because the truth about what Karl Rove is may be hard to understand.  The founding fathers created the document that made a new world free. It was easy to understand and it…

  • trump on Rove, is karl rove a washed up fat man?

    [kc_heading_pac_16_pre_headline_11 size=”30″ color=”#d50000″ ]Really..[/kc_heading_pac_16_pre_headline_11] It used to be that Karl Rove was considered an intelligent man, some have said the smartest man in the room but that changed over the last four years and now we know the truth or we think that we should know the truth is Karl Rove actually a washed up…

  • Karl Rove a Traitor?

    Is Karl Rove washed up? is he no longer the powerful thinking man that he once was? The truth may be that Karl is no longer the man he used to be and there are some very good reasons why.  source teaparty.net Karl Rove has declared war* on the Tea Party Movement. Our response? BRING IT! Establishment…

  • Fire Karl Rove?

    You might be thinking that perhaps Karl Rove who was once considered to be one of the smartest guys in the room, perhaps needs to retire.  You might be right.  There was a time when Karl Rove was on top of the world.  Having thumped John Kerry, he became the darling of the Republican establishment…

  • Karl Rove has been?

    Does Karl have a problem with Rick Perry, because it sure looks like he does… More media mania? Why is Karl so against Rick Perry, is there some bias there that no one really understands but karl and if it is a personal thing then why push that out on national TV, does he think…

  • fox news bias on politics?

    Is fox news being unfair and unbalanced when covering politics? The question is a valid one, in coverage today over the period of one half hour, Fox news ran negative segments about Presidential Candidate Rick Perry, why did they do that? The brought in Karl Rove and allegedly tried to cast a negative light on…

  • Karl Rove

    Has President Obama Failed to show leadership? Karl Rove has said that he feels that America has been let down, and that we deserve better, (paraphrase) the thing is could he be right?  I know that according to the media that the president is ever so smart and ever so great, but what does the…

  • Karl Rove was wrong?

    What was Karl really wrong about that candidate well apparently in a news story over at politicsdaily.com there is a suggestion that witch craft is involved, now we dont really know and the thing that Karl needs to understand here is that we dont really care either. This thing between him and O’donnell is personal,…