Tag: Justice Department

  • Florida once again makes error?

    The truth about the State of Florida, may cause you to be concerned about how the justice department is handled in floriduh. There have been several high profile cases where the state allegedly over charged the case with little or no direct evidence to prove the facts of the case. They wanted the Death Penalty…

  • free press no more?

    Is this the end of the press as we know it or are we about to see what has happened in places where there is no more freedom of speech. These are the places where crime just happens and no one ever does anything to stop it. These are the towns where no one is…

  • Obama Admin to State of Texas, you cannot do anything about it

    Guest Post, (not affiliated with the owner or hosting company freedom of speech applies) (for now) Fellow Americans, if you value your freedom, You need to understand that we have a problem. This news Story could possibly confirm that we have a traitor in office in this nation… Why is the United Nations involved in…

  • Real or made up?

    Question of the day, are stings real or are they fabricated? Was the danger ever real? If you entice a man to do something that he would not ordinarily do what have you done? Think about that for a moment, if you have say a taco salesman and you offer him a cut rate price…

  • fast and Furious Scandal

    What is happening, are we seeing a classic conspiracy theory being played out in the national headlines? You might be tempted to say this is like watching a movie, but this is real we have officials who have sworn to protect and serve the people they swore an oath, to protect, yet their actions resulted…

  • No plan Demorats?

    So, where is the plan that will deliver America out of the hands of its enemies, and provide more jobs and more security for our Senior citizens, protect our disabled, secure our borders, secure the future of our children and future generations of Americans? Where is it? Because right now it appears that the plan…

  • Fast and Furious backfired?

    What should we learn from mistakes we make?   Should Eric Holder be held responsible for the deaths of citizens and border patrol agents that may have been killed because of this issue. More calls for Eric Holder to resign amid allegations that he may have willfully lied to congress. Considering the mountain of evidence…

  • Blago gets life?

    A Second headline could also read, White man convicted of crime  when others who have also done the same crimes as blago get off free.   In a second trial, allegedly if they dont get you the first time they go after you until you cant afford to get good lawyers, if true, are we…

  • Cry Baby Unions?

    Sounds sort of funny, I mean, when you see members that are paid way more than others for the same positions yet they cry like little children over a few benefits that most of us will never even see, yes sure unions can be good but. Are all unions like this? The answer is No,…