Tag: Joe Miller

  • Why Silence can become opression…

     Wrong is Wrong…   Silence may in some ways be golden, if your a parent tying to get some peace on a Saturday morning. But silence when you see the seeds of ignorance and tyranny begin to grow… In this headline at Joe Miller 301 IRS Agents Working Full Time on Union Work, Not Government…

  • election 2012 vote them out

    The people in Washington think that people will forget, that we will just allow them to do what ever they want, that they have no fear of us, but they are wrong, this government is by the people for the people, congress has forgotten that, and this past election cycle was a reminder, however, apparently…

  • Biased Media Tricks?

    The media attempts to allegedly control thoughts, or do they? This is an incredible story in fact it is just more than amazing, have these people no pride in Journalism or is Journalism really dead. here is an amazing story. This in an Email received from Yesterday we told you how disgraced RINO Lisa Murkowski…

  • is Lisa Murkowski a RINO

    Come November We will Remember… So they think that were to stupid to remember, too stupid to realize that we have been lied to, too stupid to vote them out of office. Time to send this liberal a message NO MEANS NO… Remember this when its time to vote because these are the people that…

  • No means No, why cant they understand?

    Just got this email, these alleged, jerks and jerkettes, in Washington really have it all mixed up. We sent out an email this morning to our supporters highlighting a new TV ad that Lisa Murkowski released. The ad attacks YOU, our supporters and members of the Tea Party Express. In the TV ad her campaign…

  • Joe Miller you Win

    This is a great American Success story about a man that deserves respect, yet Lisa, Lisa, just cant give up, what does that say for the type of leader that she is, remember how some people just cant seem to play by the same rules as the rest of us? Well this is one example.

  • Breaking news the GOP is on its way out.

    People like newt still dont think we remember how he backed a liberal, does he really think were that stupid? The GOP establishment still doesn’t quite get it. But you can help convince them that they will be voted out, send the GOP a message that we will not put up with the same old…

  • are the people in washington Evil?

    We have to ask this because there are just too many things that have happened, the most recent is that the GOP has refused to remove Lisa GOP Senators decided to give liberal RINO Lisa Murkowski political cover in her run to defeat the Conservative Republican nominee, Joe Miller. Republican Senators were supposed to vote…

  • Republicians make mistake

    Looks like the republicans are allegedly stupid as the dems are Could the Repubs be in trouble at this late hour, after almost an assured victory in November they seem to allegedly be making all the wrong mistakes playing into the hands of the democrats. This is just crazy, you know what If the republicans…