Tag: free speech
Censorship by Democrats?
NY State Senators Say We’ve Got Too Much Free Speech; Introduce Bill To Fix That Ok is this even true? Because if it is, this is just becoming too scary for those of us that value America as it was and as it should be and as it still exists in our hearts and minds,…
Fair Elections
Can there be a fair election when the media takes part in the election process? I find that there are some serious issues in how the media covers election candidate. Should something be done to prevent the media from giving free coverage and free PR to certain Candidates while other candidates have to pay for…
Time Anti American?
Is Time Anti American and if they are should they be allowed to tread on America, should they rather be asked to leave this nation if they do not like it here? Seems reasonable… When a company begins to be so unhappy with living in America perhaps its time for them to close their doors…
978 heads to the Senate
This is what we do not need in America, what we do need is jobs. This allegedly could be used to stop free speech and fair use. This could cause your children to become criminals. This is a terrible bill and must be defeated. The Senators that vote for this bill must be voted out…
FTC in the wrong?
Is the FTC biting off more than it can chew in trying to regulate the internet, Broadcast, TV, Cable TV, Subscriber lines, Radio, what will be next, free speech? will you one day wake up to find that you can no longer express an opinion? When good men do not stand up to the oppressive…
supreme court ruling
Risky Behavior? Did the supreme court just condemn the west boro alleged, hate group, (not really a church at all) to risk their lives? In a surprise ruling 8-1 in favor of allowing alleged hate speech to continue at Military and other controversial funerals across the U.S. It is an Amazing thing to see such…
Attack on Free Speech?
Are liberals using the tragic deaths of the Arizona shootings, including the death of a 9 year old girl to promote the liberal agenda? So many people have to ask most Americans do not believe the way liberals believe so why are they trying to do this? What kind of person takes advantage of tragic…
westboro baptist church
Westboro hate group, that is what these people allegedly really are, they hate, they do not love, they do nothing that any regular church would do, so in reality they are not a church but an alleged hate group. You know most people have gone along with this title, but in reality these people are…