Tag: Fairness Doctrine

  • FTC fairness doctrine for the internet?

    Over the past three years, we have seen the constitution trampled on by every liberal in DC yet the media barely covers these miscreants, in their ivory towers. When will the media begin to report on these issues that effect all of the world… Are we looking at yet another attempt to censor the free…

  • FTC politics

    Is the FTC making a political statement by trying to regulate the internet and hold internet advertisers to a different standard than broadcast television and cable providers. We must apply equal protection under the law, it is after all the law or is that just an in-convenient truth that no one wants to talk about…

  • FTC in the wrong?

    Is the FTC biting off more than it can chew in trying to regulate the internet, Broadcast, TV, Cable TV, Subscriber lines, Radio, what will be next, free speech? will you one day wake up to find that you can no longer express an opinion? When good men do not stand up to the oppressive…